Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Career Path

Ray Williams joins his buddy Adler.
HIH founder released

So he screwed numerous families out of their hard earned life savings, sits in prison for less than 3 years and returns to a multi-million dollar home and lifestyle.

Who says crime doesn't pay?

That's where I'm taking my career: beg, bribe, steal, threaten my way to the top and slowly squeeze the money out of the company. With guile and planning I may even get away with it.
If not, I'll get a light sentence, a short stint as a 'guest-of-the-state'. If I don't like the place, I'll complain I was threatened and get transferred to somewhere more comfortable. To spend the time, I might write my book and when I get out, show remorse and speak on ethics.

Yes, publicly, business people will vilify me but in secret they'll be punching themselves: 'It was so easy!!'.
That's why I'll make even more millions when they spend tons on my books and lectures.

And what of those families? Yeah, I do feel sorry for them. Having worked so hard through the years to build up their nest egg. But they did it the hard way, the system rewards the clever and punish the stupid. Nothing personal, they and I were just playing our roles in the system.
Make me pay back the money? What money? I've nothing on paper. This $5000 wine I'm drinking? My wife bought it...with the money I transferred to her name before I got caught. It tastes very nice, thank you. Helps me sleep, in my $0.5 million bed, in my $10 million dollar home.

And btw, it's probably these losers' money that I'll get.

Let us eat, drink and be merry! For there are no laws for the rich!

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