Saturday, March 8, 2008

Malaysian Elections 2008 Results

So the people have spoken and the Opposition has triumphed. They've surpassed their goal of denying BN a 2/3 majority in parliament and captured the states of Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Perak.

So, Mr Opposition....the fun and games are over. It's been relatively easy pointing out faults and failures of the government. Now you carry the responsibility of actually turning words into reality.

Frankly, I doubt if the opposition won because we think they can do a better job. No, this time, we were just punishing BN. It's a sad state of affairs for Malaysia when we vote not those who we think will serve best, but those who would screw us the least.

As the victory settles, will we see the opposition fighting amongst themselves? I do hope not. The new state governments will prove how well they can work together. I'm looking forward to see how they will manage their different philosophies. Will they do better or worse than a government formed along racial faults? Truly, if they work well, then there is hope yet for Bangsa Malaysia. It is far better to differ on policy than it is on the color of the skin.

Political PowerPlays
Pak Lah will resign soon. Najib will come into power but with a weak power base. It'll be a tough time for the government.
Khairy will consolidate and expand his power base. Hishamuddin might very well be the second Education Minister to not become PM (or first, discounting Anwar).

MCA is terribly weakened. Now is the time for political maneuvering. We'll have to see if the party can reform itself which may include a change of leadership.

Comments on where I voted
Selangor is an unexpected win. Now it'll be interesting to see if PKR can fulfil its election promises without bankrupting the state. And if you're truly transparent, how about releasing the state accounts.

Loh Gwo Burne is a rookie. He's not a politician. He's not a technocrat. And I doubt he's a good photographer. I think he'll be slaughtered in parliament. But he'll have the likes of Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh to cover his ass.

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